Herbal remedies have been around since ancient times and have slowly been regaining popularity with more people discovering the benefits of mother nature as opposed to just taking prescriptions. Herbal medicines are derived mostly from plant extracts and you can either consume them or apply them externally to the skin. There are teas, vitamin supplements, and lotions available for most herbal remedies these days.

Some of the most tried and true herbal remedies can be found in your kitchen cabinets. Cinnamon has been shown to have major healing powers. It has been proven to reduce blood sugar for diabetics and it can also be used in face masks to reduce inflammation of the skin. Ginger can be used to prevent nausea. Ginger tea, or even ginger ale can soothe an upset tummy and nausea. Rosemary is another one to use for cooking, but also for staying healthy. Rosemary can combat potential tumors in the body by halting carcinogens from binding with DNA, and when used while cooking meat can reduce the carcinogens that rise up during the meat cooking process.

Turmeric is another herb that is perhaps less well known to some people, but it can be used as an anti-inflammatory to calm arthritis. Echinacea is derived from a flower and has been widely used to try and treat respiratory infections and the common cold. The scientific proof on this is still mixed, but many people swear by it and say it prevents sickness. Of interest specifically to women is evening primrose oil, which has been used sine the 1930s for agitated skin conditions. It has risen to recent popularity in soothing the suffering associated with the premenstrual and menstrual cycle. Any of these herbal remedies are readily available, if not in your kitchen, then at your local health food store.

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